Give the World a Smile transcript

Give the World a Smile transcript

- ♪ Are you giving to the world a smile ♪

♪ Are you giving to the world a smile ♪

♪ Sunny smile ♪

♪ Helping lessen someone's dreary mile ♪

♪ Dreary mile ♪

♪ Do you greet the world with song ♪

♪ As through life you pass along ♪

♪ Cheering those whom you may meet along life's way ♪

♪ Give the world a smile each day ♪

♪ Give the world a bright smile every day ♪

♪ Helping someone on life's way ♪

♪ Helping someone on life's dreary way ♪

♪ From the paths of sin ♪ ♪ Bring the wanderers in ♪

♪ To the master's fold to stay ♪

♪ His forever to stay ♪

♪ Help to cheer the lone and sad ♪

♪ The lonely and sad ♪

♪ Help to make some pilgrim glad ♪

♪ Make somebody glad ♪

♪ Let your life so be that all the world might see ♪

♪ The joy of serving Jesus with a smile ♪

♪ A bright sunny smile ♪

♪ Just a bright and sunny smile will win ♪

♪ It will win ♪

♪ Many souls from dreary paths of sin ♪

♪ Paths of sin ♪

♪ Lift them up on higher plain ♪

♪ Where they hear the glad refrain ♪

♪ Of the smiling band of workers on life's way ♪

♪ Give the world a smile each day ♪

♪ A smile every day ♪

- (Caldwell Schuyler) Yeah, I enjoy singing about Christ. And that's what it's all about. If we don't sing about Him, we've done missed it.

♪ Helping someone on life's way ♪

♪ From a path of sin bring the wanderers in ♪

♪ To the master's fold to stay ♪

♪ Forever to stay ♪

- (Avis Schuyler) If we can go sing a song that will bless someone else, brought them to our Christ that has done so much for us, why, we feel like that's the least that we can do.

♪ Help to cheer the lone and sad ♪

♪ The lonely and sad ♪

- (Ella Draughan) See I promised the Lord when I made this dedication that I would play strictly gospel music, and I would play for Him.

♪ Help to make some pilgrim glad ♪

♪ Let your life so be that all the world may see ♪

♪ The joy of serving Jesus with a smile ♪

♪ Bright sunny smile ♪

- (Caldwell Schuyler) You was asking if there's anything Biblical to back up farming. And I don't know why I like it, but Genesis 1:26 says, "And God said, let us make man in our own image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle." Yeah, I believe it says something about cattle. "And over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image and in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them, and God blessed them. And God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it."

- (Avis Schuyler) The first thing in the morning, I usually get up around 5:30, quarter til 6:00, sometimes 5:00, get breakfast and do the morning chores, washing dishes, making beds, whatever falls my lot for the day.

- (Caldwell Schuyler) When she finally gets me up, I take off to the barn, feed the horses and milk my cows, let the calves get their milk, the veal calves, the ones sucking their mothers. Get our eggs up there on the hill, the chicken house.

- [Avis] Robins lay eggs around here.

- [Caldwell] And they have no preservatives in them, those eggs and that milk.

- [Avis] We grow all of our meat, potatoes, vegetables.

- [Caldwell] We grow our garden. That's why I keep that horse, to cultivate my garden with. You didn't see this family, Vis. The one you haven't seen, I guess. I keep two or three milk cows, just to have one milking from on you. It's pretty popular now when it gets up about $2, $2.5 a gallon.

- This is the funny time.

♪ Help to cheer the lone and sad ♪

♪ Help to make some pilgrim glad ♪

♪ Let your light so be that all the world may see ♪

♪ The joy of serving Jesus with a smile ♪

♪ With a smile ♪

- About 15, 20 to 15 minutes late I make a Dagwood dash for work. I get there about 8:00, or close to 8:00, I'd say. I've been a rural carrier almost 23 years, and I've never started out on the route and didn't make it. You thought I'd lost my marbles, didn't you? I guess I have. Well, I've heard some people say they sing by letter. Just open their mouth and let her fly. And that's what you usually hear, something fly. I do most, a lot of my practicing, I guess when I'm riding down the road. In the car's a good place, if the motor doesn't roar on the wrong pitch.

♪ But someone made the mountains tall ♪

♪ And all the oceans poured ♪

♪ It's bound to be the Lord ♪

♪ When mother nature is aflame ♪

♪ With flaming fall revue ♪

♪ I know a master made the rain ♪

♪ And mixed the colors too ♪

♪ So winter's beauty, here I stand ♪

♪ Or hear some magic chord ♪

♪ I know it's not a mortal man ♪

♪ It's bound to be the Lord ♪

♪ It takes somebody strong and tall ♪

♪ To hang the stars so high ♪

♪ Or paint the morning sky ♪

♪ Or make a sparrow fly ♪

♪ There is an answer to it all ♪

♪ And if you've never heard ♪

♪ Don't ever doubt this word ♪

♪ It's bound to be the Lord ♪

♪ I know exactly who it is ♪

♪ That spreads the morning dew ♪

♪ And greets the world with loveliness ♪

♪ And tints the sky so blue ♪

♪ And if you doubt that I am right ♪

♪ Just read God's holy word ♪

♪ The answer's there in black and white ♪

♪ It's bound to be the Lord ♪

In the Bible, I believe that the apostle Paul was giving some advice, and he said, "Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it." I believe he told the wives, "The wife's a helper to the husband." And I think she's been doing that about 34 years.

- [Avis] Looks like Arnold, doesn't it? Before Caldwell got his job as rural carrier, our living was from raising our cattle and the things that we sold off of the farm. Maybe what we may sell a calf or a cow or two went much further than maybe a half a dozen would at the present time. The Lord has been good to us enough to provide us with enough to pay our own way. And we feel like that's something we owe him for all the many blessings that he's given us.

♪ Lord lead me on ♪

♪ From day to day ♪

♪ I want to walk ♪

♪ The holy way ♪

♪ Oh friends forsake me all along ♪

♪ I asked the Lord to lead me on ♪

- This is the finished product of our kraut making the other day. You associate Christian living, the gospel, and Christ. They're all are associated together as going along together all as one. You've got to live a clean life. You've got to try to do the right things, be good neighbors, and live a good moral life. I've had a lot of people say, "Well, why do you wanna get out here and work like you do?" Or, "Why do you wanna get out here and work on the farm like this? That's men's work. You shouldn't get out there and do things like that." I just decided that if I could sew and make a dress or something of that type that I could also use a square and a saw and do my own work. We have to all cooperate in order to get these things done. Well, I guess there's quite a few things that I don't do, but I've always tried to help out in any way I could. I'd just as soon to rake a pretty field of hay as to eat when I'm hungry. I really enjoy getting out and working on the farm.

♪ I am holding truth and love ♪

♪ All along the way ♪

- (Trent Schuyler) I hardly ever have any idle time at all. Mama helps me some. She drives the truck some when I get up hay, but if she's not with me, I just let it go. Get it done quick as you can. 'Cause there's something else gotta be done. When you say you're religious, a whole lot of times you sorta think of fanatic or really wild, crazy, somebody that that's all they think about. I hope you can look at me and see that I am by the way I live. Sah. It's there to do, and somebody's gotta do it, and I don't really take it as overload. It's there and gotta be done.

- [Avis] They're just from before daylight til after dark.

♪ When the sun goes down and the night times fall ♪

♪ I thank my God ♪

♪ In the fall or spring or everything ♪

♪ I thank my God ♪

♪ When it seems like trouble's coming along ♪

♪ To turn me aside ♪ ♪ I can ask for help and rest assured I'll not be denied ♪

♪ When it seems like all my work I've done has been in vain ♪

♪ Then I think on what the price was made ♪

♪ When Christ was slain ♪

♪ Every morning, evening, noon, or night ♪

♪ Matter not what may befall ♪

♪ I will sing God's praise and thank my savior for it all ♪

♪ There are many things I'd like to do to serve my Lord ♪

♪ There are many simple pleasures I cannot afford ♪

♪ All the worldly things I might achieve ♪

♪ Though great or small ♪

♪ I will thank my God because I know he owns it all ♪

- (Caldwell Schuyler) Christian people get offended so easily. And Christ said himself, and by his example, they crucified him. And we as Christians are the general run. A lot of Christians are so touchy. If something doesn't go just right, they get offended and they'll go off and pout. But we should be an example, a group of pilgrims joyfully going up and down the way that the song speaks of. And the unbelievers ought to see us as a happy group of pilgrims that love each other as Christ would have us to love each other and helping each other along the way instead of hindering each other.

- (Trent Schuyler) A lot of things you can be doing to help other people out. It's a whole lot of people don't have consideration to try to help something improve their community and improve their nation, or don't have enough concern or something to really do their part.

- (Caldwell Schuyler) I think every American ought to wanna leave this country in a little better shape than it was when they came here.

- [Trent] They wanna go to work, work eight hours a day five days a week, come in and say, 'Well that's my part," you know?

- (Caldwell Schuyler) Now there's a lot of people, I think, in the United States that don't care whether they contribute to the cause or not, Feeding somebody or clothing somebody. If I put a steer on the market, somebody's gonna eat him. And the man that gets him will probably make more money than I did on him. I might not make anything on him, but that ought to help a little.

- [Trent] Knife.

- [Avis] At the end of the day, you come in, you'll think, "Oh, I wish we didn't have a singing tonight. I wish we could just sit down and forget it."

- [Caldwell] And rest a few minutes.

- [Avis] Then you go ahead and get your bath and get started and sing on the way to the church. We feel much better than we did when we left home.

- [Caldwell] I have come in from work, be too tired to go anywhere but to bed, and take a bath and revive enough to get started, and I'd be rested by the time the service or the singing was over. I think it gets your mind centered on something besides what you have to do.

- [Trent] I'd go sing, or we'd go practice sometimes. It's just a change that affects you mentally that will sort of rest you.

♪ Let the rainbow of love ♪

♪ That is pointing above ♪

♪ Guiding the way, guiding the way ♪

♪ To the bright sunny day, bright sunny day ♪

♪ Then we'll stand by the side, stand by the side ♪

♪ Of the Jordan so wide, Jordan so wide ♪

♪ Joining in song, joining in song ♪

♪ Joining in song all the whole day long ♪

- Raised up in singing, and I've grown into it, and I always lived with singing, and I just wanna do it. If you're not raised up in church, I don't guess it's harder to realize what you need or what church is really all about. ♪ And when I get to heaven, gonna look around ♪ ♪ I'm gonna wear my robe and a starry crown ♪ ♪ I'm gonna see King Jesus, gonna say hello ♪ ♪ And then renew acquaintance with the ones I know ♪ ♪ I'm gonna take a stroll down the streets of gold ♪ ♪ I'm gonna look at the mansions grand ♪ ♪ I'll hear him say well done ♪ ♪ The victory you have won ♪ ♪ Way up in heaven's glory land ♪

- [Caldwell] I think some people think that gospel music is just hillbilly church music, maybe. Regardless of what it is, what the song is, if it carries the gospel message, it is gospel music. I believe in what we sing about. That's the gospel of Christ.

- (Avis Schuyler) I can't get out and have a lot of words to witness to people like a lot of people can. But I feel like that picking out songs to sing that maybe I can find a message in some song.

- (Trent Schuyler) You said one more.

- (Caldwell Schuyler) That'd suit me just fine. Three more, four more. My throat's getting ready to sing now. Just now getting some frogs sung out.

♪ Laying up my treasures in that home above ♪

♪ Trusting, fully trusting in the savior's love ♪

♪ Doing what I can for heaven's holy dove ♪

♪ I'm getting ready to leave this world ♪

♪ I'm getting ready to leave this world ♪

♪ Getting ready for the gates of pearl ♪

♪ Keeping my record bright ♪

♪ Watching both day and night ♪

♪ I'm getting ready to leave this sinful world ♪

♪ Trusting in the riches of his saving grace ♪

♪ In each earthly trial I his love can trace ♪

♪ Sure that up in heaven I shall find a place ♪

♪ I'm getting ready to leave this world ♪

♪ I'm getting ready to leave this world ♪

♪ I'm getting ready for gates of pearl ♪

♪ Keeping my record bright ♪

♪ Watching both day and night ♪

♪ I'm getting ready to leave this sinful world ♪

- [Trent] From your five days work, you've got Saturday to work around the house and then Sunday to go to church and rest. That's why the Lord made it, just made that seventh day to rest, 'cause he knew we'd need it.

- [Avis] Well, people just call us and ask us if we can come to their church and sing for a homecoming or a revival or maybe just to sing in it. We've never asked to go sing anywhere. The people just always call us--ask us if we will come.

♪ Why did he go to Calvary ♪

♪ Why was his lifeblood shed for me ♪

♪ Why did he suffer as no man has ever done ♪

♪ There's just one reason ♪

♪ I am the one ♪

♪ He loves me ♪

♪ He loves me ♪

♪ Jesus loves me ♪

♪ He loves me ♪

♪ He loves me ♪

♪ Jesus loves me ♪

- (Caldwell Schuyler) A lot of places I've been that I'd rather they didn't mention that money. I can buy the gas yet myself and go. And as long as that happens, why, I'm not worried about it. When I believe I heard Ms. Draughan confronted with something about money. Maybe somebody asked her, "Do you get paid for playing?" She said, "No, I'll get my pay later." You know, the Bible says lay up treasures in Heaven where thieves don't break through and steal, or rust does not corrupt. I saw a little wall plaque a year or two ago. It said, "Work for the Lord. His pay is not too good, but his retirement plan is out of this world."

♪ Thank the Lord for blessings that he sends today ♪

♪ Then tomorrow he will send them in a full, full way ♪

♪ So count your blessings one by one ♪

♪ They come from up above ♪

♪ Thank the Lord for his great love ♪

♪ I maybe on a train, I may be on a plane ♪

♪ When I hear my final call ♪

♪ I may be on the ground when I hear the trumpet sound ♪

♪ It really doesn't matter at all ♪

♪ I may be on a trip, I may be on a ship ♪

♪ But no matter where I roam ♪

♪ On land or on sea, protected I will be ♪

♪ I know I'll sail away home ♪

- (Caldwell Schuyler) You can become discouraged. Anybody does, I'm sure. And you say, "Well, should we?" Should we be putting the effort into it we do? And you wonder at different times. But I think it's what we should be doing.

- (Avis Caldwell) Well, we've heard a lot of testimonies at the different singings that we go to, and we have also seen souls saved. So just one soul was worth every effort that we've ever put forth to getting ready to go sing wherever it might have been, for however many years it may have been.

♪ It may be night or noon ♪

♪ It may be very soon ♪

♪ He'll come as a thief in the night ♪

♪ He'll come with all his power ♪

♪ It could be any hour ♪

♪ When I make my final flight ♪

♪ I'll sail away with ease ♪

♪ Faster than any breeze or astronaut, you know ♪

♪ The time is growing near when Jesus will appear ♪

♪ And then I'll sail away home ♪

♪ I'll sail away ♪

♪ I'll leave this world behind ♪

♪ I'll sail away ♪

♪ To Heaven I will climb ♪

♪ Oh I can hardly wait to step inside the gates ♪

♪ See Jesus on his throne ♪

♪ Some day by and by ♪

♪ In the twinkling of an eye ♪

♪ I know I'll sail away home ♪